Initially, Dr. Regis W. Haid, Jr., focused on founding his practice and developing expertise in multiple spine conditions and treatments, such as spinal tumors, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, and deformity. Now, he has turned his focus to the cervical spine and to creating a nationally-known team of surgeons with expertise in….Read More
Dr. Haid's Holistic Approach
The term “holistic” has become trendy, but it describes a view of medicine that takes in to account the patient as a whole. Dr. Haid treats the whole patient, taking the time to understand the unique needs and aspirations of people who come from around the world to seek his help. His techniques are on the leading edge of what is possibile. His care is firmly rooted in the tradition of compassionate physicians who strive to relieve human suffering. … More >

Chairmanships & Meetings
Dr. Haid is currently the President of the AANS (American Association of Neurological Surgeons). He is also a former Chairman of the Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerve, the leading organization for Neurosurgical Spinal Surgeons. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Think First Foundation, as well as the Foundation for lnternational Education in Neurological Surgery (FIENS), and the International Meeting of Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST).
Membership & Honors
Dr. Haid has been honored as the Richard C. Schneider Lecturer for the American Association of Neurological Surgeons; the Charles Drake Lecturer for the University of Virginia; and the Penfield Lecturer for the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences (CNSS). He is the first Neurosurgeon to be invited to give these three lectures.
He has been listed in the “Best Doctors of America” since 1994, and Consumers Research of America lists him as a “Top Surgeon”.
He has received the Meritorious Service Award from the Joint Spine Section.